The Sun Turned Into Darkness and The Moon Into Blood

 The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood,
Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come.

 The Signs Reveal Major War Is Coming
Mark Biltz

Walking With Jesus - The Love of Christ

 A Life-Changing Read

For more information about the author and his book visit
Paul Matte.

Is Jesus's Second Coming Soon

Combining 2 of his past books, Gregory A. Booker authors Seven Letters and Inspired Writings of a Prophet for Jesus the Christ into one book for better understanding of the author’s position, his mission and mandate, but more importantly to prepare the Church for these prophetic End Times that we are living in. 

Many have questions about where we are in this upside-down world. In this book you will find an easy format of 7 chapters “detailing”  7 Letters of inspirational writings inspired by the Holy Spirit that will become a vision and experience. They are not meant to replace the 7 Letters in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, as the author clearly states. He also encourages reader to “test the spirit” as the Bible speaks of to test that his writings are true to sound Biblical doctrine and teaching. 

Each letter contains “key scriptures” in which he gives a study and commentary of such insights that bring understanding to each chapter. Fascinating and intriguing the author gives an overview of each letter coupled with prophetic signs and current events, all culminating in the glorious return of Christ. With such chapters as: The Necessity of the Return of God’s Chosen People, Prophecy is Alive and Well and Israel is the Key, The Paradox of the Seventieth Week of Daniel, Ten-horned Kingdom Led by the Anti-Christ, Who is Mystery Babylon? Israel Promised Redemption and the Tribulation Saints, and The Christ and His Glorious Appearance. These are exciting times, yet if you are not a believer, you will be coming upon confusing times. The book encourages all to know and believe in Jesus, the Christ. He is coming and He is coming soon! 

Don’t miss this book! This is a prophetic book for the times we live in that is well-researched and written by someone who has studied the Word of God in great detail – offering us keen prophetic insight, so that all may be prepared and inspired during these turbulent times in history. 

Title: Seven Letters Declaring the Prophetic Framework 
of the Return of Christ 
(Reprinted Edition)
By: Gregory A. Booker
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+stars

This is a must-read book for ALL! 

You may get your copy of 
or in Kindle as a download.

Life Changing Life Lessons

A Must Read Book - The Classroom Called Life by Darren Bennett is a collection of 40 life lessons from the author’s life and experiences. With a wonderful and delightful Christian perspective, witty quotes complement his short stories that tie into each “Life Lesson.”

Writing from a positive and inspiring attitude on life, he shares these life lessons, coupled with a few do’s and don’ts. He speaks with candor and humility, sharing his life as an open book with others, as he endeavors to teach what he has learned in what he calls, “the classroom of life.” What else would you expect from a life-long teacher.

Readers will enjoy, being given the opportunity to reflect upon their own lives from a man who has been a high school teacher for 25 years and recently retired. Bennett seems to have a real and genuine zest to live life that is certainly catchy. Quickly, readers understand that he is an outgoing personality that appreciates God in His goodness, family, and friends. Some of his stories share laughter, joy, as he shares such details as his own conversion to Christianity, and reflects back upon the Lord’s work with great thankfulness. Certain stories wake up one’s soul. Others, are quite funny, while others will really make one think about the issues of life. 

Surviving a cyclone, crocodiles, a praying friend, and a sinking ship come to mind, all memorable, yet this man’s tales, even the mundane, like visiting his old house growing up become interesting. A sprinkling of photos add to the book and each experience he shares. 

My personal favorite is when he talks about the presence of God entering a busy room of kids and what happened next. God is all about winning souls, and for the most part, this story reveals God goes after the lost, the one – and one at a time. The author’s joy and humility shine through each particular life lesson. 

Overall, this was a fun book to read! The author’s love for life and God give hope and will put a smile on your face. Readers will not be disappointed! 

The Classroom Called Life
By: Darren Bennett
CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of The Classroom Called Life at Amazon,
in Kindle and in Audiobook.

Gain A Healthy Perspective


When Skies Aren’t Blue
A Physician’s Personal Journey
Dr. Andy Laurie
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Dr. Andy Laurie had a great life. He was living the American dream, happily married, four kids and two great careers. One as a board certified emergency room radiologist, and the other, as one of the pastors at The Bridge Christian Church. 

In When Skies Aren’t Blue, Dr. Andy Laurie shares his personal journey as a sudden and unexplainable illness brought dark clouds into his blue skies of life at the early age of thirty-nine. Following, he offers Ten Powerful Steps as prescriptions that present real hope amid those dark skies that tend to drift in without warning. With clear and an easy-to-understand Biblical teaching, coupled with prayers at the end of each step, he encourages readers to remain steadfast in hope, persevere, and hold onto their faith in a God - Who is near and real in times of trouble. 

Further shedding light on evil and sickness in our world, the author speaks candidly to all that are battling with failing health. His book offers fundamentals that teach and reveal not only the characteristics of God and our Heavenly Father as a good Father, yet he also highlights Satan and the role he plays upon this fallen world. His book presents simple truths of the Bible by helping readers understand that God is not causing sickness and thus, helps readers gain a healthy perspective. Satan is the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Yet, there is hope to be found! Jesus Christ is our anchor of hope in this life and eternally. 

Dr. Laurie presents 10 powerful steps to victory. Each step is designed to point the reader to a God that is real and present, offering comfort, inspiration and scriptural insight bringing the absolute love and magnificence of God Almighty into the forefront. Dr. Andy Laurie states with unequivocal belief from the facts that God is real, He’s listening to you, and He cares for you. These 10 steps are powerful for life because they speak truth and give real help and hope for those in desperate need. 

This book comes highly recommended for those who are currently suffering with failing health (or other life storms), and are in need of hope and encouragement that is real and tangible. This is an amazing book borne out of the author’s own suffering that will surely bless others immensely!

Get your copy of When Skies Aren’t Blue at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit When Skies Aren’t Blue for more information about the author, his book, and his ministry.

A Soul Searching Book

For more information about the author and the book visit  Denise Wilson.

New Christian Book Release

 Dr. Timothy O.
The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded

The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded by Dr. Timothy O. is a powerful life-changing book giving keen insight from Proverbs 7 – The Warning Against the Adulterous Woman. Order your copy of The Seduction of Proverbs 7: Reloaded at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.


A Highly Recommended Read by Christian Author Tronell Walker

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully
Tronell Walker

Tronell Walker, in her latest release, Killing Greatness: A Story About a Bully, speaks to bring encouragement to readers with an underlying theme of encouragement and Biblical principles to help face life’s bullies. 

She also speaks on current issues facing America, offering hope to many. She speaks frankly and candidly, yet with an overtone of love, tact, wisdom, and gentleness. Her own life reflects one who has chosen to remain steadfast, trusting in God through the storms of life. She gives readers the insight and courage to face their “bullies” in life with confidence, trusting in God through their trials.  

The goal for this book is to enlighten, encourage, and inspire readers into a firm resolve despite circumstances. She covers such subjects as: racism, the current political climate, advocates for the LGBT community, as well as the disabled. With a blend of historical and well-researched facts, along with Scripture, the reader is free to disagree or agree, regardless. 

Tronell Walker’s desire and purpose in this read is to shed light onto these subjects, bringing the social change necessary according to Christian principles of love and mercy. Her hopes are that others will learn how to love and accept each other, individually and corporately, regardless of race, social status, or capabilities; in this way, honoring the Two Greatest Commandments, which is to love God first and to love your neighbors as yourself.

This is a wonderful and highly encouraging read that presents a perspective of wisdom and common sense, offering some solutions that can be used to face a bully (a.k.a. today’s societal dilemmas).  

You may get your copy of Killing Greatness at Amazon.

Great Family Reading

Let's get ready to fly, sail, camp and discover! 

This is a fast-paced Christian-themed scientific journey of exploration filled with technical discovery and building, as a beloved father and son grow in their Christian faith and make a surprising discovery underneath the Earth. ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews

David and son, Aaron, work together in this exciting exploration of earth and sea as a father and son duo filled with comradery, showcasing faith and trust in Jesus. Their adventures take them across the globe, and both admit that they love exploration, especially David. 

Exciting, the two find different landscapes traversing across sea and land in their exploits. Questions have arisen from a mysterious island sinking near Heard Island. Lessons range from oceanography, Earth Science to sailing emerge, as they discover circular chasms on the sea floor under the deep waters surrounding the island. Aaron’s search has begun. Why did that island just disappear and sink, and why so violently? Aaron had barely escaped. 

Yet, despite their commonalities as father and son, their Christian faith keeps them going. Witty and filled with vivid writing and an understanding of how the world works, the author slides in tidbits of life lessons from the Bible. The freedom between these two is refreshing and will leave one yearning for travel and adventure. Building and designing ideas seem to flow between them, passed down from the previous generation. With a taste for adventure, readers will enjoy scenery changes from sea planes to a luxurious jet. Their journeys take them farther than they could have imagined. 

From the southern ocean, over the Atlantic to Africa, notably Zanzibar, with a pitstop in Madagascar before an Antarctic expedition. Then both are off again – this time to the jungles of South America. The two travelers begin to answer questions as to the reason why that island sank; this leads them to Canada. The untouched Artic tundra to be exact. 

The Gospel message and salvation is intertwined within the book. Meanwhile their Christian faith brings hope. David teaches his son lessons, deep lessons about love, God’s creation and why God had to allow evil. These are much appreciated answers without complicated theology. The way David answers just makes sense. 

This is a wholesome adventure recommended for young boys and girls above the age of twelve and comes highly recommended as a scientific, Earth-Science and Christian-based novel that gives the desire to explore different places throughout the world. One might even have a map handy, as these two travel quite extensively.  

A wonderfully written novel that never left me with a dull moment. I felt as if I had travelled right there with father and son. A well-done book fit for family entertainment!

Title: Passage Finder
By: Thomas Ask
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of Passage Finder at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Paul Ramunni releases Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic

Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace is a book that encourages Catholics to take a new and closer look at God, asking the reader to consider making up his or her own mind about God. Is He real, or not, and equally important do you have an active one-on-one personal relationship with Him? Are you looking for His help and advice on a daily, or even moment-by-moment basis? Do you think of Him as you do a close, personal friend? Or is He more like a distant acquaintance that you may see, or meet infrequently?

These are the kinds of questions that can directly impact the health of a person's spiritual life. Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic asks the reader to consider these and other similar questions from a personal point of view, rather than as a member of a large congregation, engaging the reader as it draws them personally into the conversation. It also explains the benefits of such a close relationship and how it will not only prepare us for eternal life, but also help us to cope with our daily challenges and struggles.

The book goes on to address the related question of what it takes for a Catholic to gain eternal life. Will experiences such as being raised in the Catholic faith as a child, being confirmed, going to Mass most Sundays and holy days, supporting the church financially simply be enough to gain us entrance into heaven? Or is there something else that is required?

The author uses the example of his own personal life journey, as he moved away from God and then back again, to build a story about the reality of God and how He works in each of our lives. Readers will learn to see major issues such as sin, the process of salvation, forgiveness, prayer, the love of God and neighbor, to include the existence of heaven and hell in a new descriptive light. These and other issues are discussed in the book in a very practical way as they relate directly to the Bible and our daily life experiences.

You may get your copy of Rich Catholic, Poor Catholic; The Road to Grace at Amazon or in Kindle. Be sure to also visit Paul Ramunni at Stone Pocket Cross Miracles

Learning About Miracles

New Book Release - God’s miracles happen every day and to ordinary people. The key to receiving and seeing God’s miracles is to know how to ask for them. Another requirement is someone who is powerful enough and capable of performing the miracle. The person needing the help must be prepared to receive their miracle. They will need to give it much prayerful thought before asking. 

These are the basic elements that go into creating a miracle. But now, what is needed is a reliable way of contacting the One who will grant the miracle.

Pocket Cross Miracles contains many real-life stories of miracles that came to people in their hour of greatest need. In every case, there was a small stone pocket cross that helped make the connection possible. 

Read through the stories and maybe you will find someone’s situation similar to your own. But even if you do not, you will come to realize that when you ask God for something that is good, you will always get an answer. You may even get a miracle!

Based On The Truth of Scripture

Highly Recommended - How to Go From Broken to Blest offers an easy applicable, practical 6-Step Guide based on the truth of Scripture. The author’s sound wisdom provides a “how to” that leads to increased faith as the book provides answers that offer peace, joy, and God’s wisdom that lead to a life of wholeness mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Profound in nature, the book sheds light on Biblical principles that enhance and transform negative attitudes and perspectives to a realization one’s greatest source is complete trust in Jesus and the solid foundation of His Word.Teaching others how to move forward despite circumstances makes this book life-transforming and powerful.

How Do We Enter The Kingdom of God

A Life Changing Read - God's Masterpiece: A Portrait of The Born Again Spirit by Herbert Fearman speaks of a very important subject that is not readily taught often, but this life-transforming principle showcased in John 3:3 and John 3:5 should be shouted from the mountain tops.

Jesus told us in John 3:3 and John 3:5 that except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God and except a man be born of water and of the Holy Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. We should all know more about this glorious new creation that's taken place inside of every Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ. Yet, this book gives a portrait of the new believer’s redemption and regeneration of their spirit man

By mediating on God's Masterpiece, the author believes readers will gain insight into the New Testament, bringing clarity and a more rewarding experience. As the author states, “It's truly amazing when you begin to discover the things God has already given us and it's even more mind blowing to realize what he deposited inside of us when we gave our lives to His Son, Jesus.”

God Almighty has glorious fellowship with us right now in heavenly places that we know nothing about, but he's just beginning to pull back the curtain and give us a glimpse. The things He has done just to make sure our communion with Him will never again be broken is truly remarkable.

Readers will find that this book is a short and easy read filled with revelation knowledge and power. By the design of the Holy Spirit this book lets the Bible do the talking instead of giving opinions. I love it when the Scripture's breathe fresh revelation and the revelation in this book paints a lovely portrait of the born again spirit. You may order your copy of God's Masterpiece: A Portrait of The Born Again Spirit in Kindle as a download. 

Greg Nembhard's Spiritual Journey Available In Kindle

Download Your Copy Today in Kindle
A Must Read