Within minutes a author can find endless online sites that will sell you space for a monthly fee. The prices of course start at around $45.00 per month and go up into the hundreds of dollars per month. Of course if you want to continue the marketing for a second month, there are renewal fees. In all honesty, that is not a good investment. It's not a good one time investment or a long term investment.
Let's step this up. Why purchase one spot on one site for $45.00 and up when you can get a spot on 100 sites for under $5.00 per site, per year. In fact, CBM Christian Book Marketing can place you on 50 separate Christian sites that all share the love of Christ, Christian authors and Christian books for $199.95, not for one month, or three months, but for one year. So what does that boil down to when you divide 50 sites into $199.95 .... how about $3.99 cents per site which is very author friendly. CBM also has 100 site book marketing packages.
Take the Christian Book Marketing challenge and let CBM get you the online marketing that you deserve.